วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Anthelmintics group.

Anthelmintics group.

Scientific name: Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack.
Common names: Andaman satin wood, Chinese box tree, Orange jasmine.
Other names: and Tamuning (Malaysia - Pattani) Glass White (Central) I cup chicken (Yala) into a glass cup chili Beach (North) glass designs (Saraburi) chilli News (Singapore).
Botanical characteristics: tree of small height to 10 meters, not deciduous leaves, the leaves of the leaves is dark and glossy on both sides of the flower bouquet is a bunch of white hair and the smell is fresh, round, or oval. The small end. The shell of the nodes it is obvious from 0.8 to 1 cm wide, 5-8 mm long, pale green fruit. Ripe fruit orange-red. Bean eggs on the short hairs around the seeds, 4-6 mm long, 6-9 mm wide, white with 1-2 seeds per fruit.Are used.


Stems and leaves - the year round. Use fresh or dried, stored for use.

Root - in the winter. It was washed out thoroughly, cut into sheets, dried, stored for use.

Leaves, flowers and ripe fruit.


Stems and leaves - spicy, bitter calm as pain medication. This rash is caused by damp. I wound pain caused by dental pain proof boiling rinse procedure.

Root - the spicy, bitter wisdom to solve the waist pain, rash caused by damp. Gains and losses resulting from insect bites.

A - a tapeworm cure dysentery diarrhea.

Roots, leaves - as a monthly

Flowers, leaves - to help resolve the inflammation, cough, dizziness.

Ripe fruit - eaten as food.
How to use and the amount used.


By eating a tapeworm cure dysentery diarrhea.
- Take 10-15 grams of stems and leaves, boiling water, boil the remaining 1 cup 2 cup 2 times daily after breakfast - cold
- Or fermented alcohol beverages, but wine, 1 cup at a time MF for drug driving period.
- Use dried roots, 10-15 g (30-60 g fresh) 2 cup boiling water, boil the remaining 1 cup 2 times daily after breakfast - cold

External use only.
- The stem and leaves, fresh or squeezed to remove water body paint job is.
- Use dried leaves ground into a wound.
- Root, dried or fresh pound body wash or boil water areas.
- Leaves and stems fresh extracted with 50% alcohol is used as a local anesthetic.
When distilled with steam to 0.01% essential oils, dark aroma of essential oils from the leaves.
1 - Cadinene (sesquiterpene) 32.5% bisaboline 18% betacaryophyllene 14% carene 3.5%.
5 - quaiazulene 1.2% methyl anthrailate 1.5% euhenol 5% citronellol 4.5% geranoil 9.1% methylsalicylate 3.5%.

